* Blood-red potions
- Breaking a blood-red potion on an altar converts it to chaotic (from Slash'Em) [3.5.2] 
- Vampire blood drunken by a vampire increases its current and max hp (from Slash'Em) [3.5.2] 
- A noncursed potion of vampire blood provides as much nutrition as a food ration, a noncursed potion of blood provides a small amount of nutrition (from Slash'Em) [3.5.2] 
- Dipping a unicorn horn into a potion of vampire blood turns it into a potion of blood [3.5.2] 
- Cancelling a potion of vampire blood turns it into a potion of blood [3.5.2] 
- Drinking a blessed, uncursed or cursed potion of vampire blood as a non-vampire turns the player into a vampire lord, vampire resp. vampire bat [3.5.2]
// * Blood-red potions
* 血のように赤い薬
// - Breaking a blood-red potion on an altar converts it to chaotic (from Slash'Em) [3.5.2] 
- 血のように赤い薬を祭壇の上で壊すことにより祭壇を混沌属性に転向できる (Slash'EMより) [3.5.2]
// - Vampire blood drunken by a vampire increases its current and max hp (from Slash'Em) [3.5.2] 
- 吸血鬼が吸血鬼の薬を飲むことで現HP/最大HPが上昇する (Slash'EMより) [3.5.2]
// - A noncursed potion of vampire blood provides as much nutrition as a food ration, a noncursed potion of blood provides a small amount of nutrition (from Slash'Em) [3.5.2] 
- 呪われた状態でない吸血鬼の血液は食料と同程度、呪われた状態でない血液は少量の満腹値をもたらす (Slash'EMより) [3.5.2]
// - Dipping a unicorn horn into a potion of vampire blood turns it into a potion of blood [3.5.2] 
- ユニコーンの角を吸血鬼の血液に浸すと血液になる [3.5.2] ((現在のSVN最新ではユニコーンの角を浸すと水になるようだが……))
// - Cancelling a potion of vampire blood turns it into a potion of blood [3.5.2] 
- 吸血鬼の血液を無力化すると血液になる [3.5.2]
// - Drinking a blessed, uncursed or cursed potion of vampire blood as a non-vampire turns the player into a vampire lord, vampire resp. vampire bat [3.5.2]
- 祝福された/呪われていない/呪われた吸血鬼の血液を吸血鬼以外の種族が飲むと、それぞれ吸血鬼の貴族、吸血鬼、吸血こうもりに変化する((Slash'EMの場合と同様、半永久的な変化となる)) [3.5.2]

RIGHT:''原文:http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/unnethack/wiki/ItemsPotions ''

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