* Blood-red potions
- Breaking a blood-red potion on an altar converts it to chaotic (from Slash'Em) [3.5.2] 
- Vampire blood drunken by a vampire increases its current and max hp (from Slash'Em) [3.5.2] 
- A noncursed potion of vampire blood provides as much nutrition as a food ration, a noncursed potion of blood provides a small amount of nutrition (from Slash'Em) [3.5.2] 
- Dipping a unicorn horn into a potion of vampire blood turns it into a potion of blood [3.5.2] 
- Cancelling a potion of vampire blood turns it into a potion of blood [3.5.2] 
- Drinking a blessed, uncursed or cursed potion of vampire blood as a non-vampire turns the player into a vampire lord, vampire resp. vampire bat [3.5.2]

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